Corporate Development
By cooperating with us, you will be able to bring your innovation vision to the global market.
Our Corporate Development business unit is here to upgrade your design capabilities in Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management, helping you focus on digitalization and sustainability with a clear competitive edge.
Another aim of this department is to effectively tackle the UN´s SDGs - specifically, Affordable and Clean Energy, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Responsible Consumption and Production.

Corporate venture
We actively develop Venture Building and Venture Client areas, and organise an annual StartUp Academy to boost the activity of all our intrapreneurs. That way, we can offer new and innovative solutions to our customers as soon as they appear on the market.

Inorganic growth
By densifying our position in countries where we currently operate, along with creating alliances in new ones, we can provide our customers with best-in-class support for their projects, from A to Z.
Upscale your company profile by accessing the newest technologies, customised to fit all your company’s needs.
Get in touch with our team

Julian Sáenz Escuder
Head of Corporate Development