
Nicolas Dubois
International Business Unit Manager Life Sciences
E: nicolas.dubois@group-ips.com
T: +32 485 339 740
Address Mechelen
Battelsesteenweg 455b,
2800 Mechelen
Address Nivelles
IPS Belgium s.a.
42, Avenue Robert Schuman
1401 Nivelles
T: +32 067 874 370
F: +32 067 874 080
Company ID
0464 078 979
Tax Number
BE464 078 979
We are proud to announce that we are moving from Antwerp office to a new office in Mechelen.
Our new office will be based at Battelsesteenweg 455b, 2800 Mechelen. Just beside the A1/E19 Brussel-Antwerpen, only 4Km from Mechelen’ railway station.
Did you know?
The first railway connection on European soil was from Brussels to Mechelen. On 5 May 1835, the very first train on the European continent departed from Brussels. Destination Mechelen, 22 km away. King Leopold I solemnly inaugurated the railway, but he was not allowed to ride along. For security reasons.