NDH-Expansion Project

GLENCORE (Global Energy Commodity Resources) is one of the world’s biggest company on the manufacturing and marketing minerals and metals products, GLENCORE is responsible for production, refinement, processing, storage as well as transport and trading of metals, minerals and energy products.
This Basic Engineering (BE) was carried out based on the results of the Feasibility Study (FS) carried out for the NDH-Expansion Project executed in 2010. It is intended to extend the capacity of the Nordenham zinc production unit significantly by 160,000 t/a to in total 300,000 t/a.
This document is based on the full technical scope of the basic engineering which has been developed by a joined team of Asturiana de Zinc (AdZ), Xstrata Nordenham (XZG) and Bayer Technology Services (BTS). It consists out of the BE for the following areas:
- Leaching and Direct Leaching
- Purification
- Cellhouse
- Melting & Casting
- Site Infrastructure
Principal project data
The scope of work include the basic design to Increase the Nordenham zinc plant production capacity from160 k.t /y to 210 k.t. /y.
Scope IPS
- Basic Engineering
IPS operational unit(s)
- IPS Germany